Why KitchenAid mixer so expensive – Executive Chef Comments

If you are a baker or a cooking enthusiast, then chances are you have heard about the KitchenAid mixer, and the quality it brings to a kitchen. You have also heard or learnt through first-hand experience how expensive KitchenAid mixers are. To put it succinctly, the KitchenAid mixer is the true definition of the adage ‘quality comes at a price’.

But why is the KitchenAid mixer so expensive? The KitchenAid mixer is expensive due to its multifunctional nature such as blending, mixing, shredding, and kneading dough. The product is also of high quality, and it has been known to last for years.

Michael Zeman, Executive Chef at Hotel Kex in Portland, Oregon states that even though the KitchenAid mixer is expensive, it is well worth the investment. Based on his experience, he indicates that he prefers to use KitchenAid for mixing small batches of dough instead of using large industrial-sized mixers.

What is so great about a KitchenAid mixer

You will find KitchenAid mixers great due to their high quality and longevity compared to other similar brands. KitchenAid is also great due to its multifunctional nature, where you can use them for kneading dough, grinding meat, blending, shredding.

It is not unusual to wonder why KitchenAid mixer is highly recommended and has the best rating compared to other types of mixers. I recommend the KitchenAid Artisan Model. Click here to see the current pricing on Amazon.

For starters, most people consider KitchenAid as a superior product due to its high quality. For over a century, thousands of households have had a KitchenAid mixer brand as a crown jewel of their kitchen, stealing the hearts of its users and becoming a staple for food lovers and bakers around the world, and especially in the United States.

The KitchenAid mixer is also very versatile. As a baker, you may buy it to knead and mix your dough, however, you quickly realize there is more you can do with KitchenAid. This includes blending, grinding meat and shredding, activities that are important in a kitchen.

Its design is also made to handle more than one function. It comes with three attachments, and each is used for different purposes.

  • Paddle attachment: This is used as the primary beater. Its applications include heavy mixtures such as mashed potatoes.
  • Wire whisk: This is the part that is used to incorporate air into the mixture. It is also used for other activities such as whipping cream or egg whites.
  • Dough hook: This is the part that is used when kneading dough for bread or pizza.

KitchenAid mixers are also highly customizable. This has created a huge endearment from people who have used the product in the past. New KitchenAid mixer users are also attracted to the product due to its ease of customization.

Lastly, it is quite easy to use. In most cases, you will not even need a manual to figure out how the KitchenAid mixer works. Its design is a dead giveaway of how to operate and is designed with users in mind.

Table showing what items KitchenAid Mixer Users are making with their mixer:

What are you making with your KitchenAid Mixer?Percentage of Responses
Bread 36%
Shredded Chicken Recipes9%
Pizza Dough10%
Ice Cream4%
data derived from various online cooking forums

Why are KitchenAid mixers out of stock everywhere?

KitchenAid mixers are out of stock everywhere because, since 2020, the demand for the product has failed to meet the supply. This has created a shortage, which manufacturers have not yet been able to meet. There has also been a huge increase in demand resulting in shortages.

The high demand for KitchenAid mixers is still apparent.

Here is a video that explains why the KitchenAid mixer is a status symbol:

In December 2020, the pandemic was at its peak, and most people were isolated in their homes. This also meant that company workers had to compromise and either work during the pandemic or produce a way to continue production while still not putting themselves at risk.

The increase in demand and the change of working conditions contributed to the first KitchenAid mixer shortage in December 2020.

Fast forward to May 2021, and the KitchenAid mixer products were out of stock again. In most online retailers where one would normally find the product, there was only an out-of-stock warning.

The shortage forced people to compromise, with some opting for refurbished KitchenAid mixers to meet their needs.

Today, although there is no shortage, past events offered us a glimpse of what it would be like to have a KitchenAid mixer shortage. The previous shortages were also a wake-up call for the manufacturers of the product who seem to have caught up with the demand.

How to use a KitchenAid mixer for the first time

To use a KitchenAid mixer for the first time, you need to know how to connect the flat beater, the whip and the dough hook. You will also need to know how to turn it on and off. You will also need to know how to attach the bowl and how to add ingredients during mixing, kneading, or shredding.

As a first-time KitchenAid mixer user, you may be overwhelmed by the number of items you need to connect to it to serve your purpose. For instance, different tools serve different purposes, like you cannot use a paddle attachment to knead the flour. I recommend, even for the first-time user, the KitchenAid Artisan Mixer. To see the current pricing on Amazon, click here.

There are also many KitchenAid brands out there in the market such as the Classic series, Artisan Series, Deluxe and Pro-line. As a new KitchenAid buyer, you, therefore, need to know what type of KitchenAid brand you bought when using it for the first time.

Luckily, in this section, we will break it down and give you the best tutorial that will be applicable to all KitchenAid mixer brands. The tutorial is generic and has been created after comparison with multiple KitchenAid manuals. Follow the process below if you are a first-time user.

  • Place your stand on a flat surface: A flat surface gives the stand the stability it requires when other items are attached to it.
  • Attach the right accessories: Depending on what you are preparing, choose the right accessories for your KitchenAid. The accessories to choose from in this step include the flat beater, whip, and dough hook.
  • Secure your mixing bowl: Securing your mixing bowl depends on the type of bowl lift you have. You may either have the bowl-lift or the tilt-headed stand mixer. This step calls you to determine the type of bowl you use and secure it appropriately.
  • Add your ingredients: This is the step where you start adding the ingredients you want to prepare.
  • Turn your mixer on, select the right speeds: This is a crucial step that requires you to have at least the knowledge of determining the speed your ingredients in step 4 needs after you turn on the mixer.
  • Monitor your ingredients: As your KitchenAid mixer continues to run, you should monitor your ingredients to ensure they are mixing at the correct speed.
  • Remove the mixture: At this stage, your ingredients are properly mixed. You need to turn it off and remove the mixture from your KitchenAid mixer stand.
  • Clean your stand mixer: Ensure you clean your mixer stand. This is because, in many cases, the mixing becomes messy and spills. Also, you still need to keep it clean the next time you require the mixer.
  • Store your mixture: This is the last step you need to take and involves securing your KitchenAid mixer in a place where it is not likely to get damaged.

How to beat with a KitchenAid mixer

If you are looking for a KitchenAid mixer to beat your ingredients, you will need to know how to operate a flat beater, a whip and a dough hook. You will also be required to know how to attach these accessories and set the right speed capable of beating your ingredients.

To beat your ingredients with a KitchenAid mixer, you will first need to know how to use the three accessories listed below:

  • Flat Beater: This is what is used for most of the mixing, stirring, and blending jobs. It is used when making cakes, butter, donuts, waffles, mashed potatoes, brownies.
  • Wire whisk: This is the part that is used to incorporate air into the mixture. It is also used for other activities such as whipping cream or egg whites.
  • Dough hook: This is the part that is used when kneading dough for bread or pizza.

Next, you will need to attach your beater, whip, or dough hook to your mixer stand. This step also involves the adjusting of speeds for your beater, so that you can set them at the correct speeds based on your needs.

The next step is securing your bowl and adding ingredients. Then turn on your KitchenAid mixer. The beater accessory you selected starts to rotate and cut through your ingredients. You can then remove the ingredients if it has been beaten to your liking, detach your beater and bowl after turning off the KitchenAid mixer, and then wash them and store them properly.

Why are KitchenAid mixer attachments so expensive?

KitchenAid mixers attachments are so expensive because they are made for one of the most prestigious kitchen mixers stands available today. The quality of the KitchenAid mixer also calls for its attachments to be as high-quality as its parent product, hence becoming expensive.

The top three most common attachments for a KitchenAid mixer are the flat beater, the wire whisk, and the dough hook. These three attachments don’t come cheaply, and in most cases, they must meet lofty standards if you are going to use them with your KitchenAid mixer.

Among the top reasons why they are expensive is because of the quality of the KitchenAid mixer. With over a century in the market, KitchenAid mixers have made a name for themselves, and in most cases, users prefer buying a well-recognized item to a new market entrant. This also means that the product’s accessories have to meet the standard and to do that they have to be tailored for KitchenAid mixers. This makes the manufacturing process much more expensive, and the cost is passed on to consumers.

Another reason is most of these accessories are made by the KitchenAid mixer parent company. This means that they follow the same quality standard as the mixer itself. With the standard of KitchenAid being high, it also calls for its attachments to be manufactured using innovative technologies, and the huge manufacturing cost is passed on to customers, making KitchenAid mixer attachments expensive.

Why are Hobart mixers so expensive?

Hobart mixers are expensive because they are backed by more than 100 years of history, and are a trusted product in many kitchens, restaurants, and bakeries. They are also high quality and durable.

Hobart mixers have been on the market for more than 100 years, and have become a staple in most kitchens, restaurants, and bakeries. Today, they are among the most valuable kitchen products in the market and also expensive. Below are some of the reasons why Hobart mixers are expensive:

  • More than a century old history: Hobart mixers have been on the market for more than one hundred years. This has created trust and connection with its customers, who swear by the product. This long trust, and proven record of accomplishment of quality increases its demand and pricing.
  • Durable: Hobart products are some of the most durable kitchen products in existence today. Customers looking for a mixer that they plan to use for years are willing to pay a little more to have their product.
  • High quality: Hobart products have a long record of accomplishment of being high quality. This has given it an edge in the markets and customers are willing to pay more to get their hands on a Hobart mixer due to its quality.
  • Excellent design: Howard mixers are also among the best-looking mixers on the market today. This helps them to compete even when they are priced at a higher price than their competitors.

Aron Blake

I am the lead copywriter on Homezesty and the Webmaster. I have a lot of experience in home renovations and the creation of style. I enjoy writing and sharing my tips on how to create the best living environment. My Linkedin Profile, My Twitter Account

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