What Do the Numbers on a Dehumidifier Mean

Are you ever unsure of what the numbers on your dehumidifier mean? Well, if that’s so, then this blog post is for you! Many people own a dehumidifier and leverage it to manage humidity in their homes. To fully utilize its power though, we need to try to comprehend how a dehumidifier operates and correctly use it — otherwise understanding those numbered settings can be difficult.

What do the numbers on a dehumidifier mean? The number that shows up on your dehumidifier is the current level of relative humidity in the room where you have it located. Another number that could be displayed is the level of relative humidity that you are attempting to achieve.

To help you make the most of your dehumidifier, we’ve created this comprehensive manual that not only clarifies all the symbols on your device but also provides advice to maximize its comfort levels. To start benefiting from all that this guide has to offer and gain a better understanding of how your dehumidifier functions, read on!

discover the benefits of a dehumidifier: how does a dehumidifier work

What is relative humidity mean that is used on dehumidifiers

Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere compared to its potential capacity. When expressed as a percentage, it indicates how close we are to reaching dew point; the higher this number is, the more moisture-saturated our air becomes.

At 100%, visible droplets will form on surfaces and objects!

To achieve the environment you desire, set your dehumidifier to a relative humidity level between 30% and 50%. This is the optimal range for creating an ideal atmosphere.

How to set the humidity level on your Dehumidifier

  1. Make sure you have plugged your dehumidifier in and turned it on before attempting to set the humidity level. You will need to locate the control panel or settings
  2. Turn it on by pressing the ‘Power’ button Switch to the humidity setting.
  3. On the electric panel, set the humidity you would like your dehumidifier to reach. It is best to set it from 30%-50%.
  4. Once the desired relative humidity is set, press the ‘Start’ button.
  5. Now your dehumidifier will maintain the humidity level you set and will run until the desired level is achieved.

Dehumidifier Setting to Avoid Mold Growth

The setting on the dehumidifier to avoid mold growth needs to be at most a relative humidity of 50 percent. After 50 percent, mold spores can easily thrive in the environment and start to accumulate.

Whether your area is experiencing temperatures of 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, it would be optimal to set the dehumidifier at a lesser humidity level—around 45 percent or lower. This will help to prevent mold from multiplying.

Setting your dehumidifier to 45% relative humidity or lower in an underground area is key for keeping mold away since basements tend to trap more of the moisture within the cement that makes up the walls and floorboards. For areas above ground, it would be wise to set it at 40%. Doing so will help ensure that these levels stay low across all parts of your home.

Wrapping it Up

If you’re looking to make the most of your home’s comfort while controlling humidity levels, then look no further than this guide on understanding dehumidifier numbers. With a thorough comprehension of these readings, you can now effectively manage your indoor air quality and thwart mold growth.

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Aron Blake

I am the lead copywriter on Homezesty and the Webmaster. I have a lot of experience in home renovations and the creation of style. I enjoy writing and sharing my tips on how to create the best living environment. My Linkedin Profile, My Twitter Account

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