Why Is There Water in the Bottom of My Dishwasher – Certified Plumber Responds

Looking into your dishwasher and finding standing water can be stressful. Not only is this a sign that your dishwasher might have a fault, but the presence of lingering water also makes your dishwasher ineffective.

Why Is there water in the bottom of my dishwasher? There is water in the bottom of your dishwasher because you have a clogged-up filter. The main cause of the clog is hard seeds that block the filter. Sesame seeds, orange, lemon, and grapefruit seeds are readily found to cause the clogging of dishwasher filters.

Brett Bidwell, the owner of Mr. Rooter Plumbing in Austin, Texas, states that there is water in the bottom of your dishwasher because your dishwasher might not be draining properly. Apart from a dirty filter, he listed other factors such as a blocked air gap, declining plumbing, and the use of liquid detergent.

How Do I Get Rid of Standing Water in My Dishwasher?

You can get rid of standing water in your dishwasher by clearing out food debris from the filter, disposer, drain valve, and pipes.

I recommend using Affresh Dishwasher cleaner to get rid of the residue and limescale build up. Click here to see the current pricing on Amazon.

Seeing standing water in your dishwasher is often a worrying sight that might make you want to panic. If you find yourself staring down at a puddle of water in your dishwasher, you do not need to fret, as it is an issue that can usually be solved with ease.

Your first instinct at the sight of water in your dishwasher might be to reach out to a technician for help or to call the dishwasher company’s support line. While this is often a good step, you might want to hold off for a bit as there are measures you can take yourself to fix things.

  • Clear Out the Filter

One component that ensures that your dishwasher functions properly with minimal stress is a filter. Filters work by gathering food particles that come off the dishes that are being washed and transferring these food particles to a separate container to be emptied.

The purpose of this filtration process is to ensure that the water that cleans up the dishes remains clean and to prevent the dishwasher drain from getting clogged up.

If water is gathering in your dishwasher, it could be because your filter itself has gotten clogged up. As a quick solution, you should bring out the filter and clean it up. In some cases, you can consider replacing the filter with a newer, more effective one.

  • Clear The Disposer

In place of the filter that was mentioned above, some dishwashers come with disposers instead. The purpose of a disposer is the same as a filter, but its function is quite different.

Instead of sieving out solid food particles, a disposer crushes them and clears them out, keeping the washing water clean and the pipes free of junk. With a disposer-based dishwasher, you do not need to go through the process of bringing out and cleaning the filter.

Water might remain standing in your dishwasher if there is an air gap in a hose, or if the disposer is full. Running, resetting, or clearing out the disposer can help with this issue.

  • Check The Drain

The drain is the next reason your dishwasher still has water for a while after use. No system is perfect, and in some cases, your machine’s disposer, or filter (depending on the manufacturer) might develop flaws, allowing some food particles to escape.

The issue with food particles not being filtered out or disposed of is that they can mess up the water in the machine’s tub and eventually block the drainage. Unfortunately, a blocked drain will inevitably lead to the accumulation of water in the dishwasher.

To solve this problem, you can open the drain and clear out the responsible food buildup. The drain components that might need to be cleared up include the drain valve and the drainage pipes.

In some cases, simply cleaning the drainage system is not enough. Your drainage valve might have an actual issue that a technician might need to fix, or you might need to buy another valve.

If you go through these steps and still experience issues with standing water, you should seek professional help or purchase a new dishwasher since repair costs can be high. I recommend the Black and Decker Compact Dishwasher. To read the reviews on Amazon, click here.

Is It Normal for a Dishwasher to Have Water in the Bottom?

It is normal to have a small amount of water at the bottom of your dishwasher.

Here is a video that shows 3 reasons why there might be water gathering in the bottom of your dishwasher:

A dishwasher is an important home appliance because of how useful it is in cleaning up dirty kitchen utensils. After each use, a dishwasher is meant to be drained of water, so it might be worrisome if the water in your dishwasher does not drain completely.

If the volume of water that is left behind in your dishwasher is little, then you do not need to worry yet.

Also, if you buy a new dishwasher and find some water in it right after opening it up, there is no cause for alarm either. Dishwashers are often tested before they are shipped out to the people that ordered them. For this reason, there might be some water remnant from the test operation carried out by the manufacturers.

Once again, if the water level in question is low, then you should not be bothered. However, if the standing water volume is quite high, then there is a fault somewhere.

The most frequent reason water remains in your dishwasher is because of a buildup of food particles within the dishwasher’s system. If a clog-up like this occurs, then there will be little to no space for water to pass through, hence, preventing the water from getting drained properly.

In cases like these, you can go through the steps mentioned in the previous heading, helping you free up your dishwasher.

While you can always try to find ways to clear up your dishwasher when water no longer gets drained, you can also prevent things from getting to that point. For instance, if you notice that water is starting to drain slower than usual, it might be a great idea to perform basic maintenance, ensuring that the issue does not get serious.

Here is a table that contains what forum users believe is causing their dishwashers not to drain:

Why is your dishwasher not draining completely?
There is a clog in the drain tube.
The chopper that chops food particles is broken because it attempted to chop a piece of food that was too hard.
The drain inlet screen at the bottom of washer could be clogged.

Standing Water in Dishwasher Under Filter

If the amount of water under the filter of your dishwasher is small, then you do not need to worry, as this is normal.

You might discover water beneath the filter of your dishwasher when performing routine maintenance or cleanups, or when doing a proper repair. This might be a good or terrible thing, depending on the volume of water that you find.

Most manufacturers of modern dishwashers have designed them in such a way that there is always a small amount of water under the filter of a properly functioning dishwasher. This water has a purpose – it prevents the seals in the dishwasher from getting dried up.

This water is not stagnant, as it refreshes often. Each time you use your dishwasher’s drain, the water under the filter is drained out, and another small volume of water takes its place.

However, this water level is not supposed to be excessive. Usually, the water should be halfway to the top of the filter area, and not any higher. If the water beneath your filter is higher than this, then it might be a sign of trouble.

An excessive level of water beneath the filter might indicate that there is clogging being caused somewhere in the dishwasher. It could also signify one or more components of the machine have developed a fault that needs to be attended to.

While you can take some basic steps to try to clear up your dishwasher, it is always a great idea to reach out to skilled technicians to fix your machine, instead of attempting to make repairs yourself and potentially cause more harm.

My GE Dishwasher Has Water in the Bottom

Having a little volume of water at the bottom of your GE dishwasher – one or two cups – is normal. However, if the water is building up, then there might be a problem.

The way GE dishwashers are designed, after using the machine and draining out the water, there might be some water remaining at the bottom. If the water remnant is not much, then there is no need to be alarmed. You might need to pay attention when the dishwasher contains a rising level of dirty water.

In cases where it is obvious that the water in your GE dishwasher is due to a fault, there are some ways to troubleshoot the problem.

  • Install an air gap

Sometimes, dirty water from your kitchen sink might seep back into your dishwasher, contaminating it and causing a build-up of unclean water. This reversal of water is known as backflow. To prevent backflow from happening, you should install an air gap.

A dishwasher air gap is installed about two inches above the kitchen sink, and it stops water from flowing into your dishwasher. An air gap functions by separating the kitchen sink’s dirty water hose from the dishwasher’s drain hose.

If you already have an air gap, you might want to consider cleaning it up, as it gets less effective when it gets clogged up. If there is a fault with your air gap, it might be a great idea to replace it.

  • Get a high drain loop

If you do not have an air gap, an alternative measure that can prevent water from building up in your dishwasher is a drain loop. The function of a high drain loop is like that of an air gap, as it stops water from seeping back in through the drain.

A drain loop is a simple mechanism – the hose that leads out of the drain is simply made into a loop. However, for a drain loop to be effective, it needs to be raised high, with the recommended minimum height being 32 inches.

If the loop is low, or if the drainpipe is simply connected horizontally, then the chance of backflow will be quite high. Apart from preventing backflow, a proper drain loop will also ensure that the drain is dry and keep the dishwasher free of odor.

My Whirlpool Dishwasher Has Standing Water Under the Filter

Having a small amount of water in the filter area of your Whirlpool Dishwasher is normal. It is helpful since it keeps the seals in the filter area from drying up.

Among the manufacturers that are known for making dishwashers, the Whirlpool brand is one of the most popular. Whirlpool dishwashers are known for reliability and the company has a history of producing great appliances for over one hundred years.

Whirlpool dishwashers have an average expected lifespan of about 10 years, so if you buy a Whirlpool dishwasher, you can be sure of its longevity.

Something that a lot of Whirlpool dishwashers have in common is the presence of water beneath the filter. If you are cleaning up your filter and you notice water in the filter area, you might wonder if it is because of a fault. If the water in this region is little, about halfway to the top, then you have no cause to worry.

However, high water levels beneath the filter might indicate that your machine has a fault. To get it sorted out, you should reach out to Whirlpool’s customer service for help.

How To Unclog a Dishwasher with Standing Water?

You can unclog a dishwasher with standing water by cleaning up the parts that are blocked by food particles.

As mentioned earlier in this write-up, there are assorted reasons why a dishwasher can have standing water. The general problem is usually a build-up of food waste, which affects the flow of water. The parts of the dishwasher that are often affected by this blockage are the filter, disposer, drain valve, and hoses. Since the blockage is caused by debris, clearing out the waste from the affected areas will help to unclog the machine. Apart from cleaning up, you can use a homemade mixture to fix the issue of water buildup in your dishwasher. A general solution is to pour in a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, followed by hot water after about 20 minutes. The mixture and hot water will help to dissolve the stuck particles, clearing up the machine for free-flowing water.

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Aron Blake

I am the lead copywriter on Homezesty and the Webmaster. I have a lot of experience in home renovations and the creation of style. I enjoy writing and sharing my tips on how to create the best living environment. My Linkedin Profile, My Twitter Account

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