Why is My Bathroom So Dusty: Cleaning Solutions For Every Home

When you look around the bathroom, you can see it everywhere. Your bathroom is so dusty it looks out of focus with fuzzy edges, but why? Bathroom dust tends to be extremely noticeable because of the light-colored surfaces. Interestingly, the same is true of especially dark-colored surfaces. For example, if you have black trim in a room, you will almost certainly see more dust there than you ever notice on a grey or tan carpet. This is because the dust stands out on light and dark-colored backgrounds. Sadly, it’s still present in other places. Moreover, the bathroom has many smooth surfaces, making the fluffy appearance of dust more noticeable. Regardless of where the dust appears, the issue is getting it cleaned up, so you see less of it. I’ll walk you through some simple ways to reduce household dust, and that will help you see less of it show up in your bathroom. No one should have to live with furry looking tile, and dust can be downright unhealthy, so let’s get rid of it.

Why is my bathroom so dusty? Your bathroom is so dusty because there is a lot of dust in your home. Bathrooms often have white or pale tile making the dust more noticeable, but dust is not unique to that room even when it seems that way. To fight the dust in one room, you need to prevent dust in the whole house through cleaning and regular dusting. Moreover, adding an air purifier can trap that dust, removing it from the air with a filter. 

Why is There Dust in My Bathroom?

Before we can look at why your bathroom is so dusty and what to do about it, it helps to understand a little more about what makes dust. In a home, most of the dust is shed skin cells from the people and animals that live inside, but there’s more to it than that. Dust mites live inside the dust and eat the dead cells, adding their bodies and feces to the mix. Plus, there are broken down bits of carcasses from the mites and other insects. 

The never-living parts of dust come from outside sources, quite literally. Pollution and pollen are part of the dust inside your home. Similarly, minuscule dirt particles and decaying organic matter like plants can become part of your dust. Finally, the breakdown of organic and inorganic materials in your home also contribute. Old carpet padding, furniture stuffing, and anything else that breaks down small enough will get lifted in the air and resettle on your surfaces. 

How Do I Control Dust in My Bathroom 

When you find yourself asking why there’s so much dust in your bathroom, the real question is how to get rid of it for good. Sadly there’s no permanent dust removal system unless you live inside a sterile bubble. Even then, you’ll shed skin cells and make your own dust. Luckily, you can do many things to help reduce the amount and buildup of dust daily. 

First, let’s discuss the filters. If you have central air, then there’s probably an intake vent in your home. This vent should have a filter if it doesn’t put one in. Meanwhile, for those with filters, you need to change them out at least monthly. For homes with lots of people or pets, check more often. The filters will remove dust from the air, trapping it and preventing it from recirculating into your home. 

Another way to add air filters to your home to remove dust is by getting air purifiers. You can find these in miniature bathroom sizes or massive ballroom sizes. Ultimately, the more air purifiers you have, the more dust and contaminants get removed. Remember to change the filters on these as well. 

An Intelabe HEPA Air Purifier fits easily into any bathroom. The brushless motor is extremely quiet, so it won’t bother you when you take a relaxing bath. Moreover, at a mere 3.31lbs, the Intelabe is extremely portable. Best of all, you only need to replace the filter every three to six months, making it easy to maintain. See the amazon reviews by clicking here

Renters don’t have a choice. For homeowners, removing carpet can make a huge difference. Even when the carpet isn’t in your bathroom, it can collect dust. Disturbingly, carpet is a superb breeding ground for dust mites. Tear it out and replace it with easy-to-clean tile or wood flooring instead. 

Change your bedding and your mattress. This may seem an odd way to reduce dust, but it will help. Take the time to wash blankets, sheets, and even pillows weekly to reduce dust accumulation and cut down on dust mites. As for the mattress, I have bad news. According to Readers Digest, “…experts say that if your mattress is over 10 years old, it likely contains more than 10 pounds of dead skin.” Gross!

Swap your old fashioned mattress for a newer and more hygienic foam option. While you’re at it, get rid of those old pillows as well. They may not contain ten pounds of dust, but they will trap some. Plus, the filling is likely breaking down and contributing to the dust in other ways. Grab some foam pillows, and remember to change the whole bed out every ten years to avoid sleeping on broken-down foam. 

Next, always clean from the top down. If you dust high shelves after you’ve vacuumed, the dust that falls will end up on the floor and will not get clean. At best, you have to do everything twice when you work bottom-up, so save yourself the trouble and start at the ceiling.

The DocaPole High Reach Dusting Kit from Amazon offers an extended reach for ceilings and even those hard to reach high ceilinged rooms. With three different dusting attachments, you can get every speck when you clean from the top down. Have a DocaPole delivered to your door by clicking here

Finally, take the dust out to your collection bins when you finish. It’s so fine that leaving it in an indoor trashcan may cause some of the dust to get picked up by air movement and recirculated in your home. 

How Often Should I Clean My Bathroom

Different parts of your bathroom need to be cleaned differently to help reduce mess and dust. For example, bathroom rugs should get washed once a week. However, toilets really depend on use. If you have roommates or family, then a toilet might need every-other-day cleaning. Single people who work and are not home often could clean the toilet every week or two and see the same cleanliness level. 

Shower curtains and laundry baskets are often overlooked items. While not everyone keeps their laundry hamper in the bathroom, I include it here anyhow. Scrub laundry baskets weekly. Alternately, shower curtains can come down once a month for a thorough cleaning. If you have glass doors instead, then wipe them down after every shower or bath. 

Most people don’t think about hairdryers, razors, and other small items in the bathroom, but you should. Clean small items once a week. Likewise, counters and shelves need weekly care. Floors may need extra attention, but they should get a cleaning every seven days.

While you’re doing the weekly clean, it’s time to scrub your tub and clean off any tile walls. Wiping faucets and showerheads is nice, but they need an extra step. If you have buildup around your showerhead, dip it in CLR to remove those minerals every two to four weeks. There is usually a tiny screen inside the sink spout that needs changing about four times a year. This screen catches any large particles that sneak through the pipes and keeps large debris out of drinking water.

Biodegradable CLR Calcium, Lime & Rust Remover will easily take the white buildup off faucets and showerheads. Every tidy home needs this well known and trusted brand in its arsenal of cleaners. Follow the directions on the bottle and get rid of that nasty mess. You can get CLR from Amazon when you click here. 

Sinks, doorknobs, and handles are some of the dirtiest things in your home. It would be best if you wiped these with sanitizer at least every one to two days. Similarly, wipe your mirrors down daily to keep the debris from collecting on the surface. 

Final Thoughts

Keeping your bathroom from getting so dusty can help improve allergies and breathing in general. Dust is home to dust mites, which cause a huge number of problems for both people and animals. The excrement from dust mites can even trigger asthma attacks, especially in children and highly sensitive individuals. 

Removing dust from your home can seem like an endless battle, but it is well worth the effort. Whether it’s human and animal skin, pollen, or fibers from organic material breaking down, dust is a part of life. However, a layer of dust doesn’t need to be part of your bathroom decor. 

Every home is different, but they all have dust. With a little preventative cleaning, you can help keep the dust levels in your bathroom to a manageable minimum.

Aron Blake

I am the lead copywriter on Homezesty and the Webmaster. I have a lot of experience in home renovations and the creation of style. I enjoy writing and sharing my tips on how to create the best living environment. My Linkedin Profile, My Twitter Account

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